Posted in quote challenge

Three Day Quote Challenge- Day 1



  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Post 1-3 quotes a day for 3 consecutive days.
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers each day.

I was nominated for the three days Quote challenge by bukkypraiz. Thank you for the nomination.

DAY 1- Maya Angelou 

Marguerite Annie Johnson born April 4th 1928 was an American poet, memoirist and civil rights activist. 

What a legend of a woman! 

One of my own personal role models and more importantly one of life’s winners.

You can’t always change your situation, but you can always change your attitude to it. 

We all have harmful habits I expect most of us would love to change. What are some of those things you wish you didn’t do? We all have habits that limit us that we seem to do again and again.  Nobody is perfect, everybody has limiting habits those that say they don’t are lying. We usually notice them when they are limiting us in some way. We say things like “I wish I was more like….” “I wish I didn’t always…..”  and then quickly move onto the next thought. 

Are you aware how much your habits affect your life? From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep 40% of your actions are habitual. You act automatically you just do. Your brain works in wondrous ways. It’s needs free space for other important things so it forms habits. Imagine if you had to learn to walk or brush your teeth etc every day.

Over the years we have picked up good and bad habits which will lead to the way you live your life right now. Are you happy with them? It’s much easier to change your limiting habits now rather than live with the consequences of them in the future. 

Change your attitude today, change your habits which will inevitably change your situation.

Life is full of ups and downs there is good and bad in this world and the sooner you realise this the better. You have to CHOOSE to grab life and live it.

Maya resonates with generations of girls and women who have faced hardships and oppression from this world. She literally faced so much oppression, abuse and unfairness but didn’t she let that stop her…..No.

Take charge TODAY, right NOW. Take back charge of your life. Don’t allow the circumstances around you to throw you off course or affect you. Shape the world to suit you. 

I sing, I love to sing, I sing when im driving, when im sad, when im happy, when im speaking, most of the time I’m singing ♫♪

God made birds to sing that’s their calling they tweet and chirp away. Take 5 minutes out of your day to just sit and listen to the beautiful sound the birds make.

What’s beautiful about birds singing is that they are not trying to prove a point or show they are right. The bird is simply singing because it’s in his nature to sing that’s one of the birds purposes of life. He is simply doing his job. 

A bird  sings simply because it can, not because it has a solution to anything and everything.

When a bird sings they are being who they are….. 

Choose to sing through the storm. 

Today I would like to nominate 


You are not obligated to participate, but I hope you will accept the challenge. Thank you. Have a beautiful blessed week 💚